Thursday, February 2, 2012

HAIR DRESSERS PLEASEHELP. want to dye my hair light or dirty blonde?

i have naturally red hair, i tried dying it blonde once at home with bleach but it went a gross bracy colour, that was months ago, now i have it like a medium brown-and hair dye fades really quickley on me, what can i do to dye my hair blonde like products that would do it or htings that would lighten my hair.? i really odont want to bleach it again. i have been told to go to the hairdressers and get blonde foils, and then go back and do it agina, and again, and agian, and that it still might not come out blonde, but i dont want to do that. please tell me any products that i can get form a chemist or priceline or something, or what i should ask the hairdressers to do for me. :):) thankyouHAIR DRESSERS PLEASEHELP. want to dye my hair light or dirty blonde?
the answer above is wrong, there is NO product that will lighten hair without damaging. You need to lighten with bleach as light as you can get your hair while still leaving it strong. depending on the level and tone the bleach leaves the hair you need to tone, most likely with an ash violet. i would definately suggest going to a stylist though as they have all the tools needed to get you a good color.HAIR DRESSERS PLEASEHELP. want to dye my hair light or dirty blonde?
Well I'm afraid you have reduced your options by coloring it brown. Color does not lift color. It can only be be removed or lightened by using bleach or a color remover. I recommend that you call around and find a salon that uses Pravana. This company makes a remover hat isn't a bleach and doesn't damage your hair.

Stylist 16 yrs
I have naturally red hair too ans if you got to a salon they can do your hair good and get it the colour that you want it to be and i dodnt suggest bleaching your hair at homw because this is EXTREMEMLY bad for your hair.
some people say lemon juice lightens you hair but iunno

ansewer myne?;/a>

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