I tip them the remainder of whatever bill I use to pay them with. If it's really close a throw in a couple extra dollars. I hate the whole tipping thing.What percentage tip do you leave a hair dresser?
Well I was always told you don't tip the owner but the others get anywhere from a dollar on up depending on what they do.. Hairwash $1.00 etc
you rate them on a scale from 1-10 and w/e your rating is that is how much you give them times 2.
None. You're already paying.
It depends on what all I have done and if her work was terrific or not. If its just a cut and wash, I generally go about a dollar or two over. If its more elaborate like a perm or color, then about 15% at least.
15 or 20% of the bill, would be correct.
How very interesting! I have never left a tip to a hairdresser in my life nor ever heard of anyone else doing it either. To-morrow, I shall ask everyone I meet if THEY have.
i dont feel like I HAVE TO tip them, but sometimes when i really liked their job i tip around 10%-15%
Standard is about 15-20%. Depending on what they do and how well they do it. Also your relationship with them. Give more tip if you are a regular customer, if you are just passing through I would't do more than a dollar or two. For example cut and color about 12%. However if the blow dry and style they have done more than is required go for 20% and that should be good. In some shops client who are regulars also offer a christmas present. Hope this helps!
Around 15 percent.
5 dollars the usuall
You're supposed to tip your hairdresser?
SERIOUSLY: You people are crazy! Why tip a hairdresser? They set their own prices!
If they wanted more money, they should've charged more!
15% to 20% depending up how well they did their job and how much attention they gave to me and my concerns.
WHen the hair dresser doesn't spend a lot of time on my hair, I leave 10 percent.
When the hairdresser spends a lot of time and I leave with a beautiful head of hair, then I leave 20 percent.
15% is standard in NY.
I leave 10-15%, depending on how much time she spent on my hair, and what was involved.
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